Tag Archive for: ceremony for listed companies

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The Ceremony of hitting the bell to be the Listed Public Company

Shenzhen Weiguan Views Technology Co., Ltd, hits the market bell to be a listed public company with stock name Weiguan Views and stock code 835002 in the New Three Board, The National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ), which is located at the small and medium-sized enterprise stock transfer system center Financial Street Beijing at 9:00 on June 16, 2016.

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Hitting the market bell, it is a historical moment for Mr Long Yiping, the CEO of Weiguan Views, as well as for all staff of Weiguan Views. Mr Long Yiping and all the executives in the company witnessed the significant ceremony which makes Weiguan Views be the first listed company in commercial display industry in New Three Board(NEEQ). At the same time, it not only opens the gate of the capital market, but also strengthens the confidence to fulfill their Weigun Dream for all Weiguan staff.
tyalux company newsMr Long Yiping and the Executives in Front of the Financial Gate

Shenzhen Weiguan Views Technology Co., Ltd, established in 2003 and  successfully listed on the stock market in the small and medium-sized enterprise stock transfer system center on December 14, 2015 with stock name Weiguan Views and stock code 835002. Weiguan Views is specialized in terminal display of security industry, digital signage commercial display, the overall solution of Video monitoring command center , as well as the overall solution of smart city construction, which is a high-tech enterprises with R &D, manufacturing and distributing as one.

The ceremony of hitting the market bell in New Three Board is a great significance to Weiguan Views, which makes Weiguan Views improve its operating management standard, drive its transformation and upgrading with innovation, broaden its source of finance, optimal its capital structure, strengthen its core competitiveness and perfect its enterprise cultural construction. Weiguan views is committed to fulfill the mutual development with domestic and international customers, staff, shareholders, and finally to be the leading brand in China smart display industry.

Mr Long Yiping and the Executives in Front of the Tian’anmen Square